Web Preflight

Web Preflight is a free app that will evaluate your files for known web compatibility issues in three simple steps and provide a report to help you address those problems

In the years of collaboration with creative partners we repeatedly came up with need to streamline and automate our internal processes and interaction with partner agencies.  One of the big issues was evaluation of Photoshop website designs against potential issues that will arise in development, such as correct use of web safe fonts, overall web typography, color space and file structure.  As we repeatedly came across same issues, we began to organize them into a checklist and the next logical step was to create a software that would automatically check Photoshop website designs against that list.  So was born our Web Preflight, which we recently released to general public as a free service.  We actively maintain a list of web compatibility issues that are used in file validation and are always looking for suggestions on making it a better tool.

Give it a try, or watch instructional video and review instruction, and feel free to contact us with any issues or suggestions on making it  abetter tool.